

Join Us for the


4:00PM - 6:00PM


(2 Tickets Per Buyer)



4H young girl feeds the animals


The sale order for the 2024 Livestock Sale is subject to change.

Tentative pricing is as follows: Additional Meat Birds and Meat Turkeys, 1/3 Market Swine, ½ Meat Goats, ½ Market Sheep, 1/3 Market Swine (However, the Sale will be Stopped for the TOP 12 ITEMS “TWELVE ANIMALS, including Turkey, Meat Poultry & Eggs & Rabbits, THE MILK & THE DAIRY GOAT BASKET” Holding ONLY the Titles of Grand & Reserve Grand Champions and all Scholarship Animals of their Department at 8:00 p.m.), Dairy Steers, Dairy/Cross Steers, Beef Steers, Beef Market Heifers, (Champion and Reserve Champions of Beef Breeds will be sold in Breed- ABC order, All Champions 1st, then All Reserve Champions 2nd), 1/3 Market Swine, ½ Meat Goats, ½ Market Sheep

The Buyers Picnic is for Buyers only. The buyer’s picnic is from 4pm to 6pm. Stay tuned for more details.


Terms of Sale

After making your purchase, please go to backdrop to get your picture taken with the 4-Her and the animal you purchased. Please be sure to verify the price paid and indicate your top 3 choices of processors where the animal will be delivered to. Payment in full is appreciated unless other arrangements have been made. Please make checks payable to “Carroll County 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale”. Credit Card payments will only be available to buyers the night of the sale. Buyers who choose to pay via credit card will pay credit card fees.

ALL buyers who purchase on Cowbuyer, are required to mail a check to the Livestock Sale Committee. Credit Card payments will NOT be available on Cowbuyer. Cowbuyer only uses a credit card to validate that you are a real person.

All overdue balances past 30 days, will be subject to a finance charge of 2% per month to any outstanding balance until your account is paid in full.

Mailing a check please mail to:

Carroll County 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale
c/o Deanna Geiman
1417 High Street
Westminster, MD 21158

Please note: Checks should be made out to “Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair Livestock Sale” with the Exhibitor’s Name in the Memo Line.

If you are donating your purchase to benefit your favorite scholarship/charity, please make sure you indicate the appropriate scholarship/charity. If you have new charity please provide us with the name, address, and contact person to ensure your donation reaches the correct organization.

Thank you for supporting our youth!

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4h fair cow being cared for by young boy

For More Information Contact

Ramona Rawlings & Deanna Geiman

cows in a field
4H group of young men and women at the fair
4h young man caring for the animals


Buyers are responsible for calling their processor to provide cutting instructions. You may find the cut sheets and fees for most of the processing plants on the Livestock Sale portion of the website. When calling the processor, mention that the animal came from the Carroll County 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale and please provide the ear tag/sale order number. The processor can talk you through cutting and packaging options. The buyer is responsible for picking up the meat in a reasonable time from the processor and paying processing costs to cut, wrap, and freeze. Due to the fact that all processors are overwhelmed with business, we are asking for a primary and secondary choice of processor. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but there are no guarantees. Our committee continues to work extremely hard to obtain enough processing dates for everyone. We hope that you will continue to bear with us as the industry continues to recover, and thank you for the support of our sale.

Transportation of the animal will be provided by the 4-H & FFA Exhibitor through the Carroll County 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale Committee free of charge to the buyer. With the large number of animals in our sale, not all animals can be processed immediately. Our regular Processors “process” different species on different days, which does limit us. This has animals waiting to be processed for a slightly longer time. All animals will be sent to the Processors by heaviest to lightest. The majority of the animals will be processed within the first 2 weeks immediately following the Livestock Sale.

If you have any questions, please Contact Us at

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4h fair image of livestock



A&W Country Meats

Cut Sheets coming soon

Bullocks Country Meats & Farm Market

Cut Sheets coming soon

Shuff's Meat Market

Cut Sheets coming soon

Stoney Point Farm Market

Cut Sheets coming soon


Once you have purchased an animal, you will be asked to select a processor. The processor is where the animal will be taken to be custom harvested for steaks, chops, ground meat, roasts and cuts made from the animal based on your choosing. Once completed, the processor will contact you to pick up your product. Your final product will be packaged the way you would see it at the grocery store.

A majority of the funds will go to kids to help them purchase their next year’s projects supplies and feed. No funds pay for salaries; everyone’s time is donated. The auction will keep a small portion to help pay for the expenses such as supplies, equipment, etc.


The Sale Committee and Volunteers take care of hauling the livestock to the processor, so if you purchase an animal, don’t worry about transportation.

YES! You can purchase an animal, pay for it, and donate the animal back. This means the animal will be resold at a livestock auction and the money will be given to the charity of your choosing. Some suggested charities are listed below on this page.

In most cases there are tax advantages, but everyone’s situation is different. Please consult your tax advisor.

Businesses are more than welcome to purchase an animal This is a great way to promote your business or company. Many businesses will have the animal processed and use the meat as gifts for employees, use the meat for employee picnics, etc.


The 2024 Carroll County 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale will be in person. We will also offer Online bidding as an alternate option for purchasing at the Livestock sale. Online bidding will be done via the Cowbuyer platform. Please log in and create your account or renew your account. ALL buyers who purchase on Cowbuyer, are required to mail a check to the Livestock Sale Committee. Credit Card payments will NOT be made using Cowbuyer. Cowbuyer only uses a Credit Card to validate that you are a real person.


If you have any questions, please Contact Us at


Buyers have the option to Add-on to any Exhibitor. This option is for anyone who may not win the bid on a particular Exhibitor’s animal project but still wants to support them. This option is also great for anyone who wants to support several exhibitors but only has a certain budget available. You are still considered supporter of the Livestock Sale.

Please Contact Us at to provide us with the name of the Livestock Sale Exhibitor(s), Lot Number, Amount Adding on. You will need to send payment for this add-on amount to the Livestock Sale Committee.


Exhibitors will be able to find specific livestock project sale information such as processor dates. Transportation of the animal will be provided by you, the livestock sale exhibitor and parent(s)/guardian, free of charge to the buyer. The Sale Committee will NOT reimburse the exhibitor for transportation fees. All exhibitors will pay for any hauling and fuel fees associated with the delivery. All exhibitors and their parent/guardian will deliver the animals to the appropriate processor on the specified date and time. If the Exhibitor is unavailable to transport their animal, it is still their responsibility to make arrangements with a hauler or ask for help from a fellow 4-H/FFA family. The Exhibitor will be responsible for paying the hauler fees associated with the hauler. In the event the Exhibitor does not deliver their well taken care of 4-H & FFA Livestock project(s) to the specified processor on the date and timeframe they are given, they will forfeit their Livestock Sale check and be ineligible to sell in the following year Livestock Sale.

With the large number of animals in our sale, not all animals can be processed immediately. Our regular Processing plants “process” different species on different days. This has animals waiting to be processed for a slightly longer time. All animals will be sent to the Processors by heaviest to lightest. The majority of the animals will be processed within the first 2 weeks immediately following the Livestock Sale. Pay close attention to the times that the Processor will accept animal deliveries.

All livestock sale exhibitors are required to write a thank you note to all supporters of the livestock sale; including both buyers and donors. Thank you notes are required to be proofed before distributing and must include a handwritten thank you note, addressed unsealed envelope, and stamp. All exhibitors are required to create a Thank you Ad that will be on a slide show on the Fair website and during the Fair to thank all the supporters of the Livestock Sale. Thank you Ads are to be emailed to

All Thank you Ads and Thank you notes are due at Sale Check Pick up. IF you deliver your Thank you notes ahead of Sale check pick up, please take a picture to prove to us that you mailed them or hand delivered them.

If you have any questions, please Contact Us at

Sale Check Pick up Dates – TBD (tentatively planning for late September) Be on the lookout for more information and details.

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